Items tagged "share"

Hal fixing a light bulb (what software development always feels like to me)

This clip from Malcolm in the Middle perfectly encapsulates the experience of trying to get anything done with software

Itsy Bitsy Data Structures

Sharing this repository which teaches data structures through charmingly commented JavaScript implementations

Bob Nystrom explains the Pratt Parser algorithm

Sharing Bob Nystrom’s excellent blog post explaining the Pratt Parser algorithm which offers a very clean way to model operator precedence

One of the most fascinating pieces of software art/trolling/humor I’ve ever seen

Next.js’s unstable_cache() demystified

I found some interesting information about Next.js’ elusive unstable_cache API

Book: Crafting Interpreters

A glowing review of the book I most recommend to people interested in learning about compilers

How Relay Enables Optimal Data Fetching

Sharing a blog post I wrote about what makes Relay so special

Beyond PEP 8 by Raymond Hettinger

An amazing talk articulating how code style can make you miss the forest for the tree

Diagnostics are the UX of a compiler

Sharing an insightful observation about the role diagnostics play in compiler design

Some statistics are just a function of term definitions

A class of statistics to look out for when evaluating statistical claims

“Cool S” as a Unicode standard

There was once a proposal to codify the ”cool s” as a unicode character

JSFuck: Express any JavaScript program with just six characters

Express any JavaScript code with just these six characters

Extracting a beloved Pokémon from a corrupted save game

Sharing a YouTube video of an awesome ROM hacking rescue mission

Sentimental Versioning

Sharing a great post about software projects with unique versioning schemes

How to build a typeahead

Sharing the canonical post on how to properly build a typeahead. It’s much more complicated than it first appears

A verbose version of The Night Before Christmas

Sharing a humorous rewrite of a classic poem that would often get pulled out around Christmas time during my childhood

Admiral Grace Hopper Explains the Nanosecond

Great way to conceptualize very small increments of time

Super Tiny Type Checker

A minimal JS implementation of a type checker great for hands on learners

Jones Forth

A prodigiously commented implementation of the Forth programming language in x86 assembly. So clearly communicated even I could mostly follow it

BBC micro:bit

A beautiful, inexpensive single board computer for teaching kids to program

Sudoku Set Equivalence Theory: The Phistomefel Ring

An incredible property that all sudoku puzzles have which can be proven with set theory

Build your own LEGO fidget cube

A simple but captivating fidget toy you can build out of LEGO