Items tagged "react"

My GraphQL Conf 2024 talk: Semantic Nullability

Youtube video of the talk I gave at GraphQL Conf 2024 covering advanced client error handling and its implications for potentially fundamentally solving the problem of pervasive nullability in GraphQL

How the React model tames N by N code complexity

Explaining how exactly the UI = f(state) model tames code complexity

Using Notion as my CMS with Next.js

Why I chose to use Notion as the backing CMS for the Notes portion of this site, and the technical details of how it’s implemented

A nice way to render Markdown in React apps

A pattern for rendering Markdown in React apps directly from an AST without any serialized HTML

How Relay Enables Optimal Data Fetching

Sharing a blog post I wrote about what makes Relay so special

On ephemeral UI, fragile app state, and anxiety

Ephemeral UI make us nervous because we’ve learned that there’s a high likelihood lose our state by accident