Jordan Eldredge

Items tagged "eslint"

Interesting Bugs Caught by ESLint’s no-constant-binary-expression

I contributed a rule to ESLint that catches a surprisingly wide variety of logic bugs.

Creating project-specific ESLint rules in a Yarn workspace

How to create custom project-specific lint rules for a repository that is using Yarn Workspaces where ESLint is run from the workspace root

You're underusing Underscore

Ten common mistakes people make when using Underscore, and a linting tool to detect them.

no-unused-binary-expressions: From code review nit to ecosystem improvements

How implementing an ESLint rule led to changes in how people write JavaScript

How I indirectly helped remove stray characters from across the web

I wrote a simple lint rule which detected hundreds of user facing bugs at Meta and inspired my colleague to ship a similar validation to every major JS parser

Avoid “straw that broke the camels back” lint rules

A class of lint rules that I think are best to avoid

Lint or Keep Quiet

Code review feedback that could be encoded as a lint rule, should be

Why linting errors should cause tests to fail

Making the case against allowing linting errors in master.