Introduction to Compiler Construction by Christoph Kirsch - University of Salzburg

A few years ago, my brother gave me the most amazing gift for Christmas. He would take an online course with me in compilers. As someone who is in the field of engineering but never studied it in college, I feel like I missed a lot of the theory of how software works, and compilers are a big part of that.

While we never ended up formally enrolling in any class, we did have many conversations on the topic, and I found the lectures from a class online and watched them as I did my evening dishes.

Introduction to Compiler Construction by Christoph Kirsch at the University of Salzburg was my compiler class. The video is not super high quality, but the course if very concrete. It works through all the engineering details needed to construct a compiler, not just the theory behind it. As someone who is most successful at “learning by doing” this made all the difference.

Eventually I did construct my own simple compiler, which I’ve written about here.

Introduction to Compiler Construction by Christoph Kirsch: