Jordan Eldredge

Surviving Hacker News traffic with the help of free CDNs

This post is the second in an ongoing series about things I learned from my recent Winamp2-js project.

Previously: I'm glad I factored out jQuery

It was just before midnight on November 6th. My tweet from earlier in the day announcing my latest project had received an unexpected amount of attention, so I decided to check Google Analytics one last time before I went to bed.

My nerdy heart skipped a beat when I saw that traffic was spiking, and then stopped for an entire second when I saw that the source of that spike was Hacker News. Winamp2-js was on the front page. I was thrilled, but also nervous.

My project was on a cheap $10/month VPS hosted by DigitalOcean and I had no idea what to expect. How much traffic can this server handle? How much traffic does Hacker News actually drive?

I had the advantage that my project was completely static, so I decided to see if it was possible to move some of the asset files off of my server and onto a CDN. A quick Google turned up, a free CDN which will mirror any file found on GitHub. You simply use a URL like and it serves that file from that repo on GitHub.

Oh hello front page of Hacker News. Make yourself at home. Excuse me while I try to move static files to a CDN...

-- A tweet I tweeted.

I SSHed into my server, issued a quick find and replace, and suddenly instead of serving ~25 files with each page load, I was serving one small index.html file and everything else was served by Now, I figured, my server could handle pretty much any amount of traffic. So I went to bed.

When I woke up in the morning, I checked Google Analytics again, and Reddit and Gizmodo had both taken notice. I did a quick assessment of my server and it was handling the load fine. However, for some reason I was seeing a bug where the progress bar wasn't moving while the audio played. A quick investigation pointed to the way was serving the headers for the audio file. They were set in such a way that the javascript I had wasn't able to asses the length of the track.

Even though this was my largest asset file by an order of magnitude, I figured it was worth whatever cost I might accrue to have the project looking its best during this time of peak exposure, so I pointed that URL back to my server. With the site now functioning properly, I mounted my bike and headed to work.

Once there, I realized I had been overly optimistic about my VPN's abilities. The page was retuning very slowly, and my attempts to SSH into the machine were failing. The server was out of memory. With no other options, I logged into my DigitalOcean control panel, and reset the machine.

Once the machine was back up, I SSHed in and pointed the demo track URL back to rawgit. Buggy is better than down. I then put the word out on Twitter for help hosting the demo mp3. Within one minute @Michcioperz came through suggesting Another free CDN, but this one handled the header in the way I needed. In just a few minutes I had moved the file over and Winamp2-js was back online, downloading quickly, and at no expense to me.

I have no idea how these sites are sustainable, and if I needed to support a high bandwidth site, I would pay for my own CDN. But, to absorb a single spike in traffic for a pet project on a moment's notice, these two sites were a godsend. Thank you!

Next: How Winamp2-js loads native skins in your browser

Tags: opinion