Music nerd limericks

With the advent of, which is full of nerdy limericks because it was started by the author of xkcd, I was inspired to author some nerdy limericks within my field of nerd-dom.

First the "Famous poem rewritten as a limerick" type:

A man held his boy by his side
as through the dark night he did ride.
The boy's health; it lessened,
The Erlkönig beckoned!
When they finally got home, the boy'd died.

And then the "Only funny to a small group of specific nerds" type:

When singing the minor mode keys,
in F# you must mind your 'sis'.
Though vulgar and raw,
descending from 'la',
letter names are pronounced as: 'fees ees'.

I have submitted them both, but have yet to see them appear on the site.

For more info on "Der Erlkönig" check out its Wikipedia article, and Fischer-Dieskau/Moore's performance of the Schubert song. Creepy.

Update: I looks like my submissions to the database have been denied. Not up to snuff?

Tags: music